Qi3 delivers the Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation and Space Technology (CEOI-ST) Knowledge Exchange (KE) Programme.
The Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation and Space Technology (CEOI-ST) brings together a partnership of UK scientists and engineers from academia and industry to develop the UK capability in Earth Observation (EO) technologies and instrumentation. The Centre is set up as a partnership led by Astrium and University of Leicester, together with QinetiQ, and STFC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
Government support for Knowledge Exchange aims to support increased economic performance by stimulating innovation in UK businesses. A key concept of Knowledge Exchange is the ability to be able to ‘spin in’ and ‘spin out’ such technologies and Qi3 delivers practical, hands-on, sales and marketing oriented Innovation Advisory Services, interfacing with industry and academia in order to stimulate this.
The programme involves Technology Mining via a series of Technology Market Evaluations, including assessment of likely opportunities for spin-in of technologies from other sectors for the benefit of EO instrumentation, identifying partners and modes of partnership. It also includes Broad Brokering via events such as small scale brokering meetings to promote KE opportunities and inclusion in broader KE activities.
Qi3 has been undertaking the Knowledge Exchange Programme since 2007. The focus for this has recently been mapping the supply chain of data for EO Instrumentation, some of which resulted in a report, “Commercialisation Requirements for Earth Observation (EO) Instrumentation Capability’.
This report has formed the basis for CEOI-ST activity going forward. With more emphasis on building relationships, collaborations and common understanding within targeted market sectors via Market Development & Brokering and forming collaborations for new projects. It also includes Broad Brokering, such as promoting funding calls, promotion via the TSB _connect platform, working with relevant KTN’s to promote EO capabilities and monthly publicity items.