Understanding ‘who wants to buy’, ‘what they want to buy’, and ‘why’ are critical foundations to any successful commercial exploitation of technologies. And different levels of depth of information are required at different stages in the commercialisation process. To meet these needs, Qi3 provides two types of market research service.
Ask the Experts
This service is tailored specifically for organisations that need fast, cost effective insight before committing to more detailed commercial assessment and engagement activities. We gather inputs from selected leading domain experts and synthesise these with information from Qi3’s knowledge bank and experience to give a first pass assessment of the potential commercial opportunities and challenges for a specific technology or piece of Intellectual Property.
Technology Market Evaluation (TME)
Qi3 has developed the TME methodology to assess and evaluate the potential applications and markets for a given technology or patent. Our strong technology background, combined with our sales and marketing experience gives added insights when answering the questions such as which markets to target, what are the drivers for adoption, who is the competition, and how to achieve early sales or licensing revenues. We have conducted several hundred Technology Market Evaluations since our foundation, and the methodology aims at provision of concise, actionable and realistic recommendations, rather than than tomes of useless analysis. Please view our case studies to see examples of our work.
Qi3’s rigorous research methodologies and market insights rapidly enabled us to understand the specific challenges of taking Boundary Guardian into the US market. Their ability to uncover key market drivers and identify where the strongest market traction is has enabled us to build a focused market entry strategy that will help us achieve strong sales growth, and over time market leadership in the USA. We believe that bringing in an external organisation with such clarity of thinking has significantly increased our market and competitive strength.